Author Archives: Alison Patton

Do I Stay or Do I Go Now?

On the fence about whether to leave your marriage? Click here for a Huffington Post article on this subject.

Divorcing The Donald: Cutting Ties With the Narcissist

Newest article on Huffington Post. Donald Trump is the poster child for Narcissistic Personality Disorder and what it’s like trying to divorce/co-parent with one. Click here for article.

Inspiration for the New Year

Five minutes of great stuff. The part about not letting fear and emotions derail you —- listen to this.

Sucking It Up For The Kids

One of the nicest things my parents did after their divorce was to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner together as a family, not just one year but several. At the time, I didn’t realize how unusual this was, nor did I have any understanding of how difficult this must have been for each of my […]


This poem is dedicated to divorced dads and moms everywhere who say goodbye to their children every week. Goodbyes Two houses, two years 4 x 24 goodbyes You would think it’s be easier after so much practice. The heart must mend fast because each time it breaks anew. – Alison Patton January 2015 All Rights […]

Wall of Wisdom

Words I stumbled upon today: With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams. It is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful Strive to be happy. -Max Ehrmann Hard to remember this during divorce, but tuck it away. One day you will feel this way again.

Insightful Article About Mediation

Divorce coach, Laura Miolla, wrote an article about mediation that’s well worth reading to get a better understanding of why and how mediation works. Check it out by clicking here. (A tip: if you type in your name and email address when you’re on Laura’s website, MoxieLife, you get to download her “Divorce Survival Guide” […]

More Mediocre Poetry

In January, I went on a retreat in Monterey to hear poet and philosopher David Whyte. Ever since, I’ve found myself jotting down poems. The difference between my poetry and David Whyte’s poetry can be summed up in five words: his is excellent, mine mediocre. However, that hasn’t slowed me down, to the dismay of […]